Please carefully read the following terms and conditions (the “Terms”) relating to your participation in MTP™ Program (the “Program”) which is conducted by Kalpesh Patel Northpole Associates (the “Institute”) By registering for the Program and filling out theRegistration Form, you (the “Participant”) signify your acceptance of and obligation to these Terms. Should you have any objection to the following Terms, you should not register for orparticipate in the Program as these terms are legally binding. By participating in theProgram, the Participant agrees to abide by these Terms and understands that the decisionsof Asmita Patel Global School Of Trading Pvt Ltd. (the “Institute”) regarding all aspects ofparticipation in the Program are final and binding in all respects.

Participants enrolled in the Program hereby agree to be trained / coached by the Mentors during the Program duration.


Participant agrees to complete all the assignments due to him/her, as prescribed by theMentors. The Participant is well aware that the access to any important material deemed fit by the Institute shall be shared for a limited time. The Participant agrees to complete all the assignments within the prescribed time which shall be sufficiently long enough, considering the difference in the level of knowledge and expertise of various Participants.No requests for extension thereof shall be entertained under any circumstances. The Participant agrees to complete all assignments for each module. The Participant understands that he/she will require approximately 5 to 6 hours each week to complete his/her commitments in the Program. The Participant realizes that the mentors may need to re-schedule or make-up schedule classes due to any reason whatsoever, either technical or personal. The Participant realizes that he/she may feel overwhelmed, tired, stressed, challenged, and lost during this Program, and also recognizes that this is normal, and he/she agrees to stick with this Program, regardless of how he/she may feel. The Participant realizes that this is a powerful learning process and he/she is committed 100% to generating the greatest results. The Participant realizes that at times videos may not work, documents may not open and things may not go the right way. The team at the Institute will fix any broken links, videos, recordings or documents that are used for training within one week of notification of a failure. The Participant understands that he/she has enrolled for a training Program that has both recorded and live classes. All the Participant’s personal questions/queries/doubts arising during the Program can be fully and satisfactorily addressed by participating in the live sessions or in the Q&A sessions with the Team of the Institute.


The Participant hereby agrees that as a part of the Program and as a process of learning the basics of operating a trading account and fundamentals of trading in various segments ofmarket. This process of learning the basics of trading is only to practically understand theprocess of placing orders n the market and to ensure that the Participant gets a practicalunderstanding of the trading in the market. The Participant understands that this tradingactivity is for learning purposes only and therefore the Institute or the mentors do notguarantee any profit / loss on the trades. The Participant agrees not to hold the Institute ormentors liable in case of any profit / loss.


Neither the Institute nor the Mentors nor their assigns will be liable for any direct, indirect,consequential, special, exemplary, or other damages to the Participant or the Participant’sbusiness, including economic loss, that may result from participation in the Program or fromthe use of, or the inability to use, the materials, information, or strategies communicatedthrough the Program even if advised of the possibility of such damages. Under nocircumstances, including but not limited to negligence, will the Institute or the Mentors or theirassigns be liable for any special or consequential loss or damages that may result fromParticipant’s participation in the Program. To be clear: You, the Participant, alone isresponsible and accountable for your decisions, actions, and results in life, and by yourparticipation in our Program, you agree not to attempt to hold either the Institute or theMentors liable for any decisions, actions or results that you make or experience in businessor in life due to your participationin this Program at any time, under any circumstance.


Participant hereby understands and agrees that the tools, processes, strategies,materials, and information presented in the Program are confidential and proprietary to theInstitute and the Participant agrees not to record, duplicate, distribute, teach, or train fromthe Program’s conceptsor materials in any manner whatsoever without the express writtenpermission of the Institute. Any unauthorized use or distribution of the Institute’sprivate,confidential or proprietary concepts, materials, or intellectual property by the Participantor the Participant’s representatives is prohibitedand subject to legal review and response.The Institute may pursue legal action and seek full damages against the Participant if theseTerms are violatedin any way in order to protect its rights and business.


By participating in the Program, the Participant understands that the video and audiorecordings of the Program may include the Participant’s name, likeness, voice, biographicaldetails, testimonial, or photograph. The Participant agrees that the Institute has the right andpermissionto use such recordings and photographs for marketing, advertising or any otherpurpose in any media or format, online and/or offline, now or here after without compensation, permission, or notification to the Participant. Participant understands andagrees that all materials including video and audio recordings from the Program are theexclusive rights of the Institute and the Participant neither asks for nor expects compensationforthe use of recordings or photographs in which the Participant appears or speaks. TheInstitute owns all rights to any audio, video, and/or photograph that are a part of or may becaptured during the live event of the Program.


We provide no refunds and no guarantees for the Program. Firstly, the Institute has madeextensive arrangements and investments in terms of creating exclusive quality content,including significant investment into software, hardware, hosting platforms etc. Secondly, oncethe Program commences,the team of the Institute is deeply involved with theParticipants in terms of efforts and time and hence, cancellation results in psychological drainon the members thereof.Given these facts the Participant cannot request or receive a cancellation or refund oncethe payment has been made. In the event the Participant intends to cancel participation in theProgram, the amount paid by the Participant shall stand to his/her credit for a period of 12 months from the date of payment thereof. The Participant may choose to utilize thiscredit to pursue any other program at the Institute within this time period. The Participantagrees that all cancellation decisions are made at the sole discretion of the Institute.


The Institute does not believe in “get rich” programs – only in hard work, adding value, buildinga real and professional career, and serving others with excellence and constancy. Theprogram is intended to help you create financial independence for yourself, at the same timebuilding a life of discipline, winning habits, and abundance. The program takes a lot of workand discipline just like any worthwhile endeavor or professional continuing education program.The Institute intends to enroll only serious people dedicated to real personal and professional development, who want to create abundance in their life. As stipulated by law, the Institutecannot and does not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or earn any moneywith the ideas, information, tools, or strategies from the Program. The Institute intends to helpthe Participant by giving great content, direction, strategies, and the best support that they can.The Participant should know that all products and services by the Institute,and our affiliates,are for educational and informational purposes only.Nothing on this page, any of our Sites, or any of our content or curriculum isa promise orguarantee of results or future earnings, and we do not offer any legal, medical, tax, or otherprofessional advice.Any financial numbers,including any testimonials from our past/present Participantsreferenced here, or on any of our Sites, are illustrative of concepts only and should not beconsidered average earnings, exact earnings, or promises for actual or future performance.Making decisions based on any information presented in our products, events, services, orSites, should be done with the knowledge that the Participant may experience risk or lossesjust like any entrepreneurial endeavor. The Participant alone is responsible and accountablefor his/her decisions, actions, and results in life, and by registration here, he/she agrees not toattempt to hold the Institute liable for his/her decisions, actions, or results, at any time, andunder any circumstance.No part of any material, including videos/audiosfrom the Program may be reproduced,distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, downloading,recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods. These materials are designed solely forthe use of Participants for learning purposes. All the id’s used by each Participant are trackedandsharing of any link, downloading, or photocopying the same without the Institute’spermission is strictly prohibited & protected as per the law governed by The Indian CopyrightAct, 1957. In case of anyone found liable for copyright infringement, may face damages of upto Rs, 1,00,00,000 or imprisonment up to six yearsor both. The penalty may increase shouldthe Court find the infringement willful.


This is the entire agreement of Terms between the Institute and the Participant relating to thesubject matter it contains. This agreement may be instituted only by the Mentors and themodified agreement must be signed by both parties to be valid. You have read and understood the contents of this agreement/release and you are executingit of your own free will.


These terms will be governed by and constructed in accordance with the laws of the State of Gujarat – all disputes are subject to Naidiad – Gujarat jurisdiction. The Participant agrees that any dispute that arises out of or relates to theseTerms shall be resolved by way of mediation via a professional mediatorappointed by the Mentors , and if the dispute is not resolved by mediation, in that event, parties mayrefer the dispute to Arbitration as per the provisions of Arbitrat ion and Conciliation Act,1996 before a sole Arbitrator to be appointed solely by the Institute. The venue ofArbitration shall be Nadiad Gujarat and the proceedings shall be conducted in Gujarati / Hindi / English language. If any of these Terms are found unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable,then that provision will be considered severable from the remaining terms of use and will not affect the validity and enforceability of the remaining provisions.